26 July 2024

Announcement is made of the following award:

Awards: Drifter (Poland) Campaign medal

Date or period of service: April - July 2024

Authority: 7CMBG (VIRTUAL)

Reason: 50% Participation or more in Drifter Campaign.

Format: Ribbon/Medal



Capt A. Faz

1 Platoon


Posted on July 27, 2024.

Hello all,

I would like to take a moment to welcome our friends from TDM, an armoured unit we have previously done joint-operations with. They will be joining the 7CMBG as a permanent Armoured Detachment, as the Royal Canadian Tank Regiment (RCTR). We expect the full merger to take some time as we solidify their orbat, permissions and SOP. We expect that this merger will bring in between 8-16 crewman by the end of the year. We look forward to working with the RCTR to better emulate Mechanised Infantry in the CAF, within 7CMBG. More information to come regarding armoured training, and recruitment for the detachment to follow.

Rock on!

Posted on July 09, 2024.

A brief update on the situation in eastern Europe.

Since last report the situation has deterioriated. Following a proclamation of martial law on the 21st of April, Donovigrad's president and a dozen assembly members were forced out of the state house by armed militiamen. Furthermore, the nation's military has split into three inequal parts and is actively trying to take ground from eachother. Donovigrad's national army now competes with the RUF and PPUA, each of whom have assimilated some of the military's personell, equipment, and territory. The purpose of this appears to be settling the national identity vote through force instead.

A large build up of militiamen and armoured vehicles around the city of Krasnye Seltsy has caused an intensification in the fighting. Each side is vying for control of this crucial city as it is both the largest by population and holds much of the nation's critical infrastructure.

Yet the UN taskforce continues to push further into territory held by hostile militia elements, attempting to carve out a peacekeeping salient. All sides are moving in the direction of Krasnye Seltsy, and it may very well be the place of a culminating battle that decides Donovigrad's future. The Canadian contingent of the taskforce (1RCHR) is steadfastly moving to the city's environs in attempt to create a blockade between opposing sides in hopes of forcing a dialogue.

Operation Drifter continues Saturday, the 18th of May.

Posted on May 15, 2024.

The 7th is going to Europe.

An urgent situation is developing in the semi-autonomous region of Donovigrad. The eastern European state is under threat of civil war, stemming from a recent referendum on Donovigrad's national affiliation (50.2% for change, versus 49.8% against). A protest on the vote escalated into sectarian violence, with twelve people killed in the upheaval. All twelve shared a common nationality.

Since March 2022, Donovigrad's borders have been closed to its European neighbors. Two years of economic downturn have culminated in financial collapse. Their failing economy was a strong driver for change, though the exclave's population is significantly divided among ethnical and ideological lines; each side viewing the referendum differently. There is a very real potential for open conflict.

The UN has declared a state of emergency, and several NATO nations have agreed to particpate in a stability operation. 7CMBG is the Canadian component of this effort.

Operation DRIFTER commences Saturday, the 20th of April

Posted on April 18, 2024.

Photo of Lt Col Morency.

Lieutenant Colonel Stephane Morency is an officer of distinction, being a 14 year member of 7CMBG and 38 year member of the Canadian Forces.

Born and raised in Quebec, his father was also in the military. Morency learned English while living in Gagetown with his father, and in his teenage years enlisted as a combat engineer with the army reserves; eventually transferring to the air force as an officer and flight navigator on the CP140 Aurora. Morency's achievements are numerous, and he is now set to take over as commander of 17 Wing Operational Services Support in the summer of 2024.

A happily married man with five children, he has a passion for hockey, running, and travelling in his camper; but not without a small office to work on mods. Both Morency and Edwards run Task Force Canada (TFC), providing the unit with custom built models based on their real-life equivalents. He details how this led to the unit’s creation: “Back then it was ONS, Operation North Star. 7CMBG was invented to test the mod.”

The joint venture between ONS and TFC became 7CMBG, with the unit’s first commander being O’Halloran. Fast forward to today, now “it’s a club. It’s a group that’s pitching in”, it’s a self-oiled machine that Morency is quite proud of; “I’m loving this”.

Posted on March 30, 2024.

Operation Achilles enters its second month. Fierce fighting persists in the urban and rural areas of Kunduz Valley. Despite the exhaustive efforts from local forces and the RCHR, the opposition continues to launch offensives from Kunduz' northern countryside. The battle of Chahar Dara is now in its third week with substantial fighting in and around the city; four members of RCHR were severely injured and five Afghan soldiers fell in battle on the 23rd of March while attempting to reclaim the city after it fell into enemy hands just one week prior. Operation Achilles is set to conclude on the 6th of April.

Photo of A Company on a hill overlooking Charar Dara. Photo of RCHR's A Company, 3rd Platoon on a hill overlooking Charar Dara

Member Spotlights are coming to the newsletter. You can read about Lieutenant Colonel Morency this weekend when the first spotlight releases.

Congratulations to newly promoted Master Corporal M. Sim and Private B. Mac.

Posted on March 27, 2024.

Operation Achilles. A COY RCHR has deployed to Afghanistan to participate in Operation Achilles throughout February. The Black Watch is one of many Canadian units participating in a multinational effort to prevent the collapse of the Kunduz Valley region. Achilles is designed to confront belligerent parties for the purpose of securing passage for humanitarian aid and essential goods.

Hostile militias operating under the banner of terrorist organizations have exacerbated poor conditions, increasing logistical challenges that threaten to widen an ongoing famine and cause an exodus of the local population. Neighboring nations have been unable to make inroads to alleviate the imminent disaster. An urgent stabilization effort has been deemed necessary.

Operation Aegis. 7CMBG’s recent actions in Latvia have been lauded as an overwhelming success. Through significant challenge and hardship, the taskforce completed its mission with strength and skill. The combined effort of RCHR, RCN, 7th Air Wing, and 7 Field Ambulance was a testament to the capability of the brigade.

Congratulations go out to newly promoted Master Corporal A. Llywelyn.

Author: Cpl T.Niveus

Posted on February 05, 2024.

We hope you had a good holiday season and new year.

7CMBG is moving forward with some productive new year resolutions of its own, called “the reboot”. Throughout the month of December suggestions were collected from the community. A compilation is available as a document, and the next reboot meeting is set for Saturday (the 6th) after part IV of Operation White Leaf. It will be held in Discord. The purpose of the reboot is to strengthen and focus the unit through a process of self-evaluation, re-structure and growth.

With the departure 2Lt Kowalski there is new leadership in 1 Platoon. Please give a warm welcome to Captain Faz, Lieutenant Stauder, and Acting Warrant Officer McKen. Also, a cheer to Cpl Asiago and Cpl O'Neill who were promoted to Corporal in December.

As a recap on Operation White Leaf, thus far a port was successfully seized along with an enemy airfield. A fierce battle was subsequently held on the crossroads where Canadian ground and air forces stopped an armoured battlegroup moving to counterattack. In two weeks RCHR will conclude its effort in Chernarus and be rotated back to Afghanistan as part of Operation Achilles. The upcoming operation is a part of an international security and humanitarian effort in Kunduz Valley.

Author: Cpl T.Niveus

Posted on January 04, 2024.

2Lt. M.Kowalkski announced the creation of a dedicated Reconnaissance group, Callsign 6-1.

This sub-unit will be a part-time tasking for DP-1 A/B qualified members with the BRP qualification. They will conduct their patrols a couple of days or hours before the main operation on Saturday. Once their patrol is over, they go back to their regular roles within the unit.

Posted on October 08, 2023.

Congratulation to WO A.Faz who is immediately promoted to rank and assigned the 1 Platoon WO / 2IC positions.

Posted on December 15, 2022.

Please take a moment to recognize the following recent promotions for this month. These members have been integral in the running of this unit and we congratulate them on their promotion in the command or leadership role.

  • Promoted to Captain N.Leeder as Medical Commander.
  • Promoted to Captain K.McCarthy as Platoon Commander.
  • Promoted to Lt B. Robinson as 7Wing training staff.
  • Promoted to 2 Lt. J.Chapman as 7Wing JTAC role.
  • Promoted to 2 Lt. M.Marshall as trained 7Wing pilot.

New Affiliations: Several contracts recently awarded to the 7CMBG have included a Navy and Special Forces element. These roles may start to appear on our teamspeak, discord and surrounding us in some operations. While they are not members of the 7CMBG, they may join on operations similar to how Joint Operations run with other groups.

More to follow on this.

Posted on December 11, 2022.

Sgt. S. Eavis is promoted to his new rank.

Posted on September 17, 2022.

WO C.Jokanovich is immediately promoted to rank and assigned the 1 Platoon WO & Acting/ACOY 2IC positions. The lather is until Capt B.Jorgensen returns.

Posted on September 02, 2022.

Lt J.Stauder is immediately promoted to rank and assigned the 1 Platoon OC & Acting/ACOY Comd positions. The lather is until Maj J.Smith returns.

Posted on September 02, 2022.

Canadian peacekeepers in 360 formation on a patrol (FICTIONAL MILSIM)

Canadian troops from 1 PL, A COY, 1RCHC, embarked from FOB YUMA IOT make contact with warlords and elders in the approximate village with hopes to establish friendly relations with the towns. Their mission was to sit down with the elders and conduct a "shura" (Arabic for consultation/meeting) and provide humanitarian aid as needed. Three sections were sent out to different zones of responsibilities with the potential to make contact with as many town elders as possible. However, due to the unknown terrain and social relations in the region, this proved more difficult than A COY command had anticipated.

Canadian peacekeepers conduct patrols in the surrounding towns (FICTIONAL)

A Canadian peacekeeper in ANIZAY, MALI (FICTIONAL)

2 and 3 sections found little to no contact with the elders or anyone else and continued to conduct patrol missions in their AORs. However, despite warnings from some villagers that the area was dangerous, 1 SECTION to the N stumbled into a roadblock. A car bomb detonated nearby, killing several villagers and wounding many more. A MEDEVAC helicopter was called in to evacuate the wounded civilians but this turned out to be a trap as hostile militia forces ambushed the bogged down section and fired at the helicopter to prevent it from landing. 1 SECTION suffered only several wounded and none needed to be evacuated. Thankfully, reinforcements from platoon command and weapons detachment arrived shortly after to push the hostiles back.

RCAF CH-147 Chinook helicopter en-route to land IOT evacuate heavily injured civilians from a car bomb. (FICTIONAL)

Canadian MRAP providing cover for infantry as they conduct patrols around ANIZAY. (Fictional)

Whether it was coordinated or not, each section began taking fire from hostile militia around the same time. With superior firepower and marksmanship, the militias were beaten back no matter how many times they attempted to push the Canadian troops. They were unable to force the Canadians to retreat despite increasing their attacks with heavier weapons (such as RPGs and PKMs).

Canadian MRAP under attack by hostile militia forces (off picture). (FICTIONAL)

Turret gunner in a firefight against hostile militia forces. Just earlier before this photo was taken, an RPG round landed 100m in front of the MRAP; no one was injured. (FICTIONAL)

1 and 2 SECTIONS were unsucessful in their missions to encounter any elders and returned to base after finishing their patrol routes. Both sections encountered light resistance from other scattered militia forces unfriendly to UN Forces. 3 SECTION, led by Sgt J.Stauder, was successful in establishing contact with a town warlord in their AOR and conducted a Shura with this warlord, who we only know as "Jean-Baptiste." The details of this shura remain confidential between Platoon and Company Command staff.

Posted on April 10, 2022.

1 PL, A COY, 1RCHR, taking a final photo before stepping off for the mission (Fictional unit)

On 19 MAR 2022, 1930 EST, members of 1 Platoon, A COY, successfully established an official presence in MALI in FOB YUMA. The base was abandoned by the UN many years ago; in that time, civilians had used it as their homes and a small marketplace to exchange goods and services with one another.

1 PL encountered an armed militia in an intersection but made friendly contact with them.* (See photo below)* Capt M.Campbell, with his expertise, was able to establish a neutral friendship with the militia, who called themselves the 'Northern Militia,' agreeing to not operate in their territory as long as they did not interfere with UN operations in the region. When Canadian troops retook the abandoned UN base, there was strong protest from the civilians who were living there for many years.

1 PL encounters a neutral militia force, calling themselves the "Northern Militia". Capt Campbell established a neutrality pact with them. (FICTIONAL)

1 PL members established a perimeter inside the base and clearing out the buildings of civilians and any suspicious material while they waited for elements of 2 Platoon to arrive in the base with the necessary supplies. 7 Wing assets began flying in food, water, ammunition, weapons, and other supplies for the base.

1 PL members holding position to wait for the rest of the platoon to land (Fictional)

1 PL en-route from the landing zone to FOB YUMA IOT establish a permanent presence within the region. (Fictional)

Soon after taking a presence in FOB YUMA, troops encountered Northern Militia forces engaging in combat with another militia force (presumably hostile). The fighting soon reached the UN base. Under the agreement, Northern Militia had retreated from the FOB. Hostile militia began assualting the base. Our troops returned the favour and repelled the assault quickly.

Patrols were conducted around the immediate surroundings to get a lay of the terrain until sunset. 2 PL then relieved 1 PL from stand-to. A COY command officially marked Day 1 of Operation Shepard II an overwhelming success.

1 PL conducting an AAR after the first day before being relieved off post by 2 PL for the evening.(Fictional)

Posted on March 23, 2022.

Canadian soldiers create perimeter around a burning car bomb in Mali (7CMBG images; these are NOT depictions of real life situations)

New campaign kicks off for the 7 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group! We have deployed as a light infantry unit to Anizay, a fictional region in Mali, where several militia groups are fighting for power over the country after the government fell into anarchy. UN peacekeeping forces have deployed to conduct humanitarian missions and provide a ceasefire line between the militia groups and oversee the volatile situation in the country. UN peacekeepers led by Canadian troops establish a checkpoint in a town in Mali (fictional milsim image)

With the use of the ALiVE module, the campaign will have a persistency system implemented meaning players will always spawn in every mission with the carriage they had prior to logging off the operation before. If a player used four magazines one op, they will spawn with four less magazines. There will be no arsenal to reload kits and resupply may/may not happen. This is to simulate as close as possible real-life operations that the Canadian Forces conducted where resupply was not possible for several days or perhaps weeks.

Canadian soldiers create another perimeter after friendly forces are injured by a militia ambush. Identities of the militia remain unknown. (Milsim images; this is all fictional)

First mission kicks off tonight at 1830EST! Hope to see everyone there and let's make this an awesome campaign!

Posted on March 19, 2022.

ACOY LAV 6s disembarking from the FOB (virtual Arma)

Canadian Mechanized Troops Successfuly Break Through Russian Lines

On 06 FEB 2022, A COY, despite understrength, was tasked to launch another mechanized assault on the weakened Russian line while 2 PL conducted an assault on OBJ IMPALA, a small town NE of a confirmed Russian firebase (OBJ TAHOE) fortified around a grain mill. 3 PL simultaneously attacked a dug in entrenchment SE of OBJ TAHOE. 1 PL supported by friendly artillery and tanks conducted the main assault through enemy artillery and mortar fire and secured OBJ TAHOE with haste. Burning wreck of a Russian BTR or BMP in the background as friendly tanks cover infantr (virtual Arma)

Combat team driving past a burning vehicle inside OBJ IMPALA (Virtual Arma)

Canadian LAVs roll past more burning vehicles around OBJ TAHOE and OBJ IMPALA destroyed by friendly armour. (Virtual Arma)

Combat Team commander Lt S.Andrews coordinating with Capt M.Campbell of 1 PL re-consolidated the platoon while 3 PL pushed past OBJ TAHOE to assault the main objective of OBJ MALIBU, the northern end of a town split by a river.

3 PL suffered heavy casualties as the Russian forces were deeply dug in throughout the town and rendered the platoon nearly combat ineffective. 1 PL quickly proceed to relieve the beleaguered platoon at OBJ MALIBU. Friendly artillery and air support cleared the dug in positions in the town while 1st TROOP scored multiple BTR and BMP kills in astonishing fashion.

Mechanized combat team driving past wheat fields en route to OBJ MALIBU to reinforce 3 PL (Virtual)

Mechanized forces escorted by Leopard 2A6Ms at full speed (Virtual

1 PL dismounted to secure OBJ MALIBU but was interrupted by the enemy's own hasty counterattack to retake their positions to no avail. Combined firepower of small arms fire, artillery, air support, and tank fire made quick work of the Russians' counterattacks, successfully repelling them. The Russians were forced to withdraw further S. Combat Team A would eventually secure the rest of the northern end of OBJ TAHOE, dig in, and await reinforcements and replenishment as Canadian troops are still unable to cross the bridge at OBJ MALIBU Russian forces still have S of the town presighted with rear echelon artillery assets (more than our forces can handle currently).

Despite the entire combat team being undermanned and understrength, this quick strike operation is a testament to this unit's capabilities to accomplish their mission no matter the cost. The medical detachment must particularly be thanked for their swiftness in bringing wounded soldiers back to combat effectiveness.

83 personnel tending to a wounded soldier from 3 PL (VIRTUAL THIS IS NOT REAL LIFE)

Canadian troops digging in N of OBJ MALIBU and reconsolidating their forces before the next tasking (VIRTUAL THIS IS NOT REAL LIFE)

Posted on February 06, 2022.

3 Section LAV advancing towards Russian position (Arma virtual) Cr: Sgt T.Dixon

Canadian Troops Conduct a Successful Offensive to Uproot Entrenched Russian Positions

On 22 JAN, 1 PL, A COY of 7CMBG conducted a mechanized assault on entrenched Russian lines N of BEKETOV in order to disrupt the Russian flanks and lines of communication.

A combined assault including an artillery bombardment and aerial strikes overwhelmed the enemy at OBJECTIVE PANTHER. The assault was preceded by an artillery strike by Bravo Battery under Lt K.Hebig and WO N.Mahoney to keep the Russians' heads down while the mechanized forces, accompanied by 1st Troop, C Sqn, advanced in haste towards the trenches. The artillery strike had destroyed most of the Russian positions leaving some stragglers. 1 PL disembarked from the LAV 6s to engage the surviving Russian infantry on foot and cleared the trenches thoroughly.

1 Section LAV inside OBJ PANTHER as infantry clear the surrounding trenches

1 Section LAV in movement

However, the Russians apparently panicked and called in a rocket barrage on OBJECTIVE PANTHER with a battery of BM-21 MLRS. The barrage severely wounded our forces and eventually forced COY Comd to call in reserve forces to continue the assault. ISTAR drones quickly located the positions of these MLRS batteries and relayed the positions to elements of 432 Combat Support Squadron, 7 Wing, who proceeded to neutralize these batteries. They also spotted another SPG battery further to the north which was promptly destroyed by 7 Wing forces.

Despite this major setback, 1 PL quickly recovered and reconsolidated at OBJECTIVE PANTHER which was full control of Canadian forces. Combat Team Commander Lt S.Andrews quickly reorganized the surviving combat team and pushed on towards the objective. Like OBJ PANTHER, Bravo Battery commenced an artillery strike on the Russian trenches at OBJECTIVE TIGER as the mechanized/armoured forces pushed towards the edge of the treeline. There, they swiftly destroyed the surviving Russian positions and cleared the trenches without any further delays. Three prisoners (including an officer) were captured inside the command bunker and escorted back to friendly base for interrogation.

The operation was a success overall but 1 PL would be out of action for several weeks due to the casualties they took during the Russian rocket strike. COY Comd has pulled 1 PL back from the frontlines for the time being until it's back up to strength.

1 Platoon regroups for a platoon AAR after a successful operation. Cr: WO J.Hill

Bdr A.Theodore Bravo Battery, 7RCHA

Posted on January 23, 2022.


The Russian government claims Ukrainian forces from Kharkiv have engaged and destroyed several of their installations. In retaliation, Russia drastically ramped up military activity along the Russo-Ukrainian border and mobilized additional units. Ukraine responded in kind stating that they had the inherent right to self defense against Russian aggression against their soverignty. The Ukrainian government immediately called up for volunteer fighters and mobilized their own forces in Kharkiv. Diplomatic negotiations deteriorated further between the two nations and officially broke off on 10 JAN 2022.

11 JAN 2022 - A NATO task force including 7CMBG arrived in Ukraine and along with 2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team (2ID, US Army), they began a road move from Western Ukraine to the Dnieper River.

13-14 JAN 2022 - Russian-backed and Russian ground forces began an offensive operation in the Donetsk province and advanced into Ukraine. The American 2SBCT is rerouted south in order to deter further Russian aggression in southern Ukraine. Elements of the Russian Army's 3rd Motor Rifle Division began their operations over the Ukrainian border, overwhelming the Ukrainian defenses and advancing deep into the country. 7CMBG and the Ukrainian 93rd Mechanized Brigade are tasked to support the 92nd Mechanized Brigade in the vicinity of Kharkiv.

16 JAN 2022 - The 92nd MB's positions are overrun by the greater Russian firepower and retreat southeast from the city. Simultaneously, 7CMBG crosses the Dnieper River.

18 JAN 2022 - 7CMBG vanguard elements encounter Russian forces 15km west of Krasnograd. Canadian vanguard forces are ordered to disengage from heavy contact singlehandedly and to scout out the Russians' strength in the AO. 7CMBG currently ordered to maintain defensive positions with the 93rd Mechanized Brigade until further notice.

20 JAN 2022 - SIGNIT and reconnaissance intel from CANSOFCOM determines the Russian motor division's main objective is Poltava and maintained a defensive posture until resupply lines have caught up with them. 93rd Mechanized Brigade begins fortifying defenses in and around Poltava.

22 JAN 2022 - 7CMBG are ordered to assault Russian forces who have entrenched themselves in the tree lines and those advancing along MSR P-148 in order to cut off Russian communication lines and halt their offensive.

Map of Russian forces' advance (Arma virtual)

Posted on January 18, 2022.

"Tango, Reference balconey being suppressed, hit it with HE!" -Cpl Justice, Section IC

Members of 1 Platoon, RCHR and 1st Troop, RCTR conducted training involving the use of the Section Commander leading their section, plus a Leopard 2 tank, in urban terrain. Following a quick 10-minute lecture led by 2Lt Andrews, members of 1 Platoon mounted on board one of the Leopard 2 tanks and rode to their first training "stand". Dismounting from the tank under fire, Cpl Justice led his section and his attached "Tango" support tank to assault force and break into the village. For the next 20 minutes, hand grenades, rifle fire, and 120mm high explosive rounds crashed along the main road of the deserted town as both elements struggled, learned, and excelled as a cohesive fighting team!

Following a quick AAR and "rebombing", Cpl Justice was given his next mission of clearing a small cluster of industrial compounds in a wooden clearing. Making a quick plan, the infantry mounted up again and conducted a tank desant assault onto the first compound, breaching through the cement walls using the tank as a battering ram. After a couple hand grenades and light machine gunfire, the team regrouped and using the tank as a bullet shield to cross an open area, set off. WO Hill expertly commanded the tank to slowly roll along, providing both cover and suppressive fire using the coaxial machine gun. Cpl Justice, under the watchful eye of Sgt Roy, led the team to the clearing both remaining compounds as challenges and stressors were added in the form of loud flybys and sporadic artillery.

Well done to all members who attended!


Posted on December 17, 2021.

Version 2 is finally here! 🎉

Yes, the elusive version two has finally been released and is now in production. With that of course, comes some (many) bugs 😄

With that comes a series of very large and important changes, such as but not limited to the following:

Changes 🆕

  • Added Requests:
  • Added Donations
  • Added User profile
  • Added Livestreaming page
  • Added Livestreamer API check
  • Added J1, J7, and J9 Control panels (UI)
  • Added ability to manage 14 days attendance from the home page
  • Added Email/Pass login ability
  • Added filters to events
  • Added Server item to events
  • Added modpack item to events
  • Added ability to edit events
  • Added ability to delete events
  • Added display of files for events page
  • Added ability to add server + show state
  • Added ability to list and create, edit and delete modpacks
  • Added dedicated news page
  • Added event sort-colours based on categories of events

Improvements 🏗

  • Improved homepage layout
  • Improved mobile-friendliness
  • Improved homepage events card.
  • Improved events calendar API
  • Improved readability of news posts
  • Improved event sign up page
  • Improved notification system
  • Improved news layout

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • Fixed Authentication system disconnect
  • Fixed attendance marking
  • Fixed event time countdown.
  • Fixed email validation loop
  • Fixed timezone not correctly being set

Additions to J-Shops 🏪

  • Added J1 functionality to approve / manage / handle requests
  • Added J7 functionality to add / remove courses
  • Added J9 functionality to add / remove livestreamers

J Shop Staff Member Notice

As it currently stands, we have an overlap of permissions. Due to the transition of version 1 to version 2, a lot has changed in the backend operations. Prior to this release, each shop had its own series of parent-level permissions and child-level permissions. This was redundant and has been forgone. However, that being said J1 and J7 may notice in the exchange of tabs that there may be a link overlap or two. (Mainly J7).

I'm aware of this as it actively presents complications for both J7 and J9, and rapidly working to resolve this.

Permission J1 J7 J9 Administration

As it currently stands for permissions as of V2. Now, due to the old overlap of v1, some of these functionalities are still condensed to admin.{permission}, and has caused some conflicts internally. I hope to have this resolved ASAP, and ideally before the new year.

Random Ranting

Now, with all that out of the way; we've got a lot of pretty awesome changes in the pipeline. Please bear with me as we get these features rolled out, I'll be on LOA for the next two months while I am in Washington. (The state, not DC.) While there, I actively whenever I have time working on the features that can be found on our Trello which can be found here;

I'll actively update the Trello as I progress, we're currently on version 2.0.3, and this will actively be pulled across.


Patel. – J6

Posted on December 01, 2021.


Sangin, Afghanistan, 2006. 3 Para's on the verge of pushing into Takitchi

MCpl B.Ogden is hosting another fantastic Community Operation night this coming Sunday, Dec 5th @ 6:30pm EST. Whether you will be joining the platoon on the ground and making the push into Takitchi in order to drive the Taliban out. Or, joining myself with 7-Wing to provide air logistics and HCAS, the Community Operation is bound to be an exciting time!

Be sure to have the following ready for Sunday!

  • Mods downloaded in advance (under Mod-Pack it is the Moosehead Ops Pack)
  • Come 30 minuites early to get your kit ready for step-off
  • And remember, while its not the offical OP, please bring that 7CMBG professionalism as MCpl B.Ogden puts time and effort into making these nights enjoyable!

If you have any questions, feel free to DM myself (Lt. D.Bailey) or MCpl B.Ogden.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Posted on November 29, 2021.


Defending Canada's North on Foot, and Wheels!

Sgt C.Jokanovich & 2Lt S.Andrews conducted an innovative new Combined Arms DP1-C and Lav Commander Training this past weekend. In preparation for an escalating campaign in Canada's north as part of Operation Kingmaker.

As part of the combined training action, the dismounted sections conducted Battle Drills, the bread and butter of Section tactics, working with vehicles, understanding the safety and procedure around our airframes and armoured vehicles.

Special Thanks from 7CMBG News goes to Cpl B.Whiles for the Photos

Posted on July 06, 2021.

Get your Boots and Toques out, it's chilly out here!

7CMBG is proud to have started the new Kingmaker Campaign, featuring a domestic mission focused around defending Northern Canada from a possible foreign invasion.

With the start of this new campaign, the first mission was mainly focused on logistics, establishment of a FOB, and testing new weapons, vehicles, and equipment that will serve us well in the unique location 7CMBG finds itself in.

Posted on June 29, 2021.

Long time coming, Armoured Detatchment is here!

7 Canadian Mechanized Brigage Group is extremely excited the establishment of the Armoured Detatchment.

Led by the extremely experienced Cpl S. Andrews, an Armoured Tank Commander in the Canadian Army, he will be bringing real life tactics and training to the new detachment!

For all those interested in this exciting new opportunity to join a up-and-coming detachment and get in on the ground floor, sign up for the information session and trainings that are ongoing in the next couple weeks, or reach out to Cpl S. Andrews directly!

Posted on June 12, 2021.

MCpl B.Ogden's Community Game Night

This week was a fictional mission based around a made-up European military. A friendly helicopter has been shot down and the objective was to try and find its location. 1 Plt was transported to HLZ Alpha by 7-Wing, and moved in on foot to the AO.

1 Plt then launched a surprise attack and captured the various objectives. 11’s intent was to capture the 3 main objectives, destroy all enemies within the AO, and retrieve all captured equipment and personnel.

Overall, MCpl B.Ogden's Community Game Night was another great success! Keep on the lookout for next week's Community Game Night on the events tab! (Don't forget to react!)

Posted on April 16, 2021.

The 101st Airborne Go Door-to-Door

Today, the 101st United States Airborne assaulted the regional town of Arobster, a known insurgent stronghold and safe haven in the area. With the assistance of a Canadian Mechanized LAV Platoon in the area, the 101st went door to door searching Arobster for insurgent activity and weapon caches.

With few casualties, 7-Wing of the 7CMBG assisted with medivac duties, seen entering and leaving HLZ sites within Arobster, as well as general CAS runs destroying an insurgent stronghold and multiple technicals in the area.

Overall, the operation was rated an overall success with MCpl B.Ogden stating:

"We conducted a crushing and effective assault against the enemy"

Posted on March 27, 2021.

Operation Urgent Fury, 03/20/21

This past weekend, 7CMBG forces conducted an air assault to rescue a downed helicopter deep within enemy insurgent lines.

7CMBG ground forces, along with support from volunteers from E18 assisted in a daring mission to rescue the aircrew and airframe of a helicopter; suspected to have been downed by a MANPAD in the area.

After conducting an air assault landing in the AO, 7CMBG ground forces moved to the crash site that had been identified through ISR by 7-Wing F-18s overhead. Afterwhich, 7CMBG forces fought small arms fire, mounted emplacement fire, and even armoured up technicals from insurgent groups. Buying enough time for a heavy-lift helicopter nicknamed "The Whale" to rescue the downed airframe (and later aircrew) to safety.

Further proving how important sucessful deployment of combined arms is in theatre. Great work to everyone involved!

Posted on March 23, 2021.

7CMBG S. Andrews Instructed Armoured Training, 03/17/21

7CMBG conducted courses covering Mod 1: Introduction to Armour and Mod 2: Armoured Crew Skills and Gunnery.

Mod 1: Covered the Intro to the Importance and Role of Armour in Combined Forces combat, Ammunition Types & their use cases, and the composition of an Armoured Troop.

Mod 2: Covered the Roles and Responsibilities of Armoured Crew, the Importance of Tactical Driving, Fire Orders Format, and Gunner Initiated Engagements

Overall, the course is the first step of developing skills to be an Armoured Crewmember in 7CMBG, with a mixture of theoretical concepts and practice experience.

Posted on March 17, 2021.

7CMBG conducted a two-part operation this past Friday. Beginning with the naval Battle of the Philippines Sea which focused on air to air combat and ship to ship combat with the cooperation of E-18. 7-Wing assisted with the landings by shooting down a number of Zeros and providing overall air superiority.

The second half of the operation focused on Operation Forger and the Marine ground invasion that was conducted. Along with the Marine ground invasion, ground troops were assisted by Sherman tanks on the ground invasion providing localized fire support and cover for advancing troops.

Posted on March 14, 2021.

We're happy to announce that 7CMBG members will be taking part in the Canada Army Run this year! Because of our close connection to the real Canadian Military, we are here to do our part for them, and are forever grateful for their service and sacrifice.

With it being virtual this year, it gives us an opportunity as an online community from places in Canada and from around the world to participate in this awesome event together! If you'd like to help, check out this link!

Posted on March 12, 2021.

Yesterday, MBdr K. Hebig and MCpl N.Mahoney hosted DP1-D (Artillery Det Training). 7CMBG members who attended were introduced to the Artillery Detachment.

They were taught Fire Discipline, as well as the operation of the 81mm Mortar and M777 Howitzer. This training is the first of many trainings for prospective applicants designed towards establishing a better understanding of 7CMBG's indirect fire support, as is key to establishing accurate, safe, and rapid use of this detachment in missions.

Posted on March 10, 2021.

The training, held by Lt. E. Lamoureux, was focused on CF18s practice hitting GPS and Laser-Guided Targets. This practice also incorporated practice for the SLAYER callsigns and helped establish uniformity in the radio procedure for sending CAS 9-Lines for Fixed-Wing airframes.

7CMBG SLAYER callsigns were joined by E18's A. Harrington. This allowed him to gain further insight into CAS procedures, terminology, and radio control for jets in 7CMBG.

Posted on March 09, 2021.
Posted on January 20, 2021.

The 432 CSS Squadron, 7 Wing has opened and recived their new emblem created by Andy!

Posted on September 15, 2020.

A Coy, 1RHCR will participate in an historical Joint operation modeled after Operation Gothic Serpant. This operation was popularised by the movie "Blackhawk Down". For more information see discord and sign up on the events tab!

Posted on September 15, 2020.

NATO responds to civilians injured during Donovian Raid

Posted on September 14, 2020.

Protesters arrive amid growing unrest to NATO presence in Gorgas

Posted on September 13, 2020.

Welcome to the new Website!

Disclaimer: Everything seen now is subject to change.

Any bugs or issues, features or changes you'd like to report, please fill this form.

For the time, please sign up with discord. Submit an application with real information, and J1 or myself will get to you as soon as possible.

To find your Arma 3 ID… launch the game, VIEW PROFILE OPEN PROFILE EDIT PROFILE select unit get id

To get your teamspeak ID… teamspeak id Your id

What's done so far… as of 08/09/2020

  • Events
  • News
  • Orbat builder (backend)
  • Rank and roles system
  • Permissions
  • Time in grade
  • File system (storage device)
  • Event Signups

Thanks, MCpl R.Patel J6

Posted on September 08, 2020.


29 August 2020

Announcement is made of the following award:

Awards: Red Dragon Campaign medal

Date or period or service: February - June 2020

Authority: 7CMBG (VIRTUAL)

Reason: 50% Participation or more in Operation RED DRAGON

Format: Ribbon/Medal

red dragon medal


Maj J. Smith



Posted on August 29, 2020.


29 August 2020

Announcement is made of the following award:

Awards: Bushwar Campaign medal

Date or period or service: July - August 2020

Authority: 7CMBG (VIRTUAL)

Reason: 50% Participation or more in Bushwar Campaign

Format: Ribbon/Medal



Maj J. Smith



Posted on August 29, 2020.

The 7 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group is an ARMA 3 Mil-Sim group dedicated to creating and acting out realistic military scenarios using Canadian Armed Forces doctrine and tactics. 7CMBG is a unit and we work together to achieve our goals, both in game and out. Achieving a realistic simulation of modern combat is our ultimate objective - virtual "body counts" are not our goal. Every success is a group success, every failure is a group failure. There is no glory to one man since we fight together. 7CMBG has been around since 2007 and has a good blend of currently serving and retired Military members, mixed-in with dedicated civilians who have a strong desire in organized & Tactical MilSim. We accept non-Canadian members, keeping in-mind the time-zone used is Eastern Standard Time (EST) which is Toronto, Canada time. Our members are screened for maturity and 7CMBG will not typically accept anyone below the age of 18.

LCol Stéphane Morency

Brigade CO

Posted on August 01, 2020.